Každoročne sa LEMUN koná v holandskom mestečku Leiden. Leiden je mesto v provincii Južný Holland. Je to mesto s bohatým dedičstvom, nie len vo vede, ale aj v umení. Skratka MUN stojí pre modelové zasadanie OSN. Naša škola sa na LEMUNe zúčastňuje pravidelne už 17 rokov. Zástupcovia našej školy riešili rôzne problémy v týchto výboroch: UNESCO, Human Rights Council, GA3 a Crisis Committee. Podarilo sa nám schváliť niekoľko rezolúcií. Počas týchto troch dní sme nadviazali kontakty so študentmi celého sveta a dozvedeli sme sa nielen o holandskej kultúre, ale aj o kultúre iných krajín.
Every year LEMUN is held in the Dutch town of Leiden. Leiden is a city in the province of South Holland. It is a city with a rich heritage, not only in science but also in art. The acronym MUN stands for the Model United Nations. Our school has been attending LEMUN regularly for 17 years. Representatives of our school dealt with various issues in the following committees: UNESCO, Human Rights Council, GA3 and Crisis Committee. We have managed to approve several resolutions. During these three days we made contacts with students from all over the world and learned not only about the Dutch culture but also about the culture of other countries.
Samantha Staňová (V.A):
“As a delegate of Iraq in GA3 committee I was able to learn more about nowadays Social, Cultural and Humanitarian problems. Our first topic was The repatriation of children of foreign combatants in the Middle East where we discussed how we could help children that were born to parents that were part of ISIS, how to get them back to their country and how to prevent them from becoming terrorist. On Saturday we discussed question of Return or restitution of cultural property to the countries of origin. First we had a speaker from the UN who introduced the problem, which was very interesting and enlightening. Then we tried to draw up a resolution, which came out pretty well. Last day, Sunday, we made a resolution for the task of safeguarding the intangible cultural heritage of religious minorities in East Asia. All three resolutions were very difficult to make as the General Assembly cannot force member states to act upon or do something about a certain issue, The Assembly is only empowered to make recommendations to states on international issues within its competence. But we made it. Last, but not least we then had the General Assembly where all GA’s joined and voted for or against every resolution that was made.”
Peter Židek(IV.A):
“As a diplomat for Germany in the Crisis Committee, we were dealing with various crises such as gas shortage, deadly flu, economic crises and immigrants at the same time. As it was hard to keep track of all of them, we had to set our priorities and try to solve only those that affected our country the most. Also, it was necessary for us to find the best solution because it affected other events and crises that happened. I have to admit that all of this was hard, but in the end we all felt proud and happy. Whether it was because we managed to deal with everything that was going on or because we were able to meet old friends, make new and of course learn something new.”
Šarlota Pozsonyiová (IV.A):
“LEMUN 2019 was a mix of fun, work and mainly confusion. I had an opportunity of working in the Crisis Committee, where we didn’t actually know what was going to happen because it was influenced by our actions and decisions. I must say it was fun but we had to be able to react quickly which was not easy all the time. Everything we did had some consequences. One mistake and our country, which you represented, could get into terrible problems. You could lose gas, having corpses all over the streets or even have the Pope in the parliament. As I said, fun. But I also had the opportunity of meeting new people, finding out more about another cultures and religions. I think it’s also one of the greatest advantages which you get when you participate in such events and I truly love it.
Veronika Synáková (IV.A):
„Na konci novembra som sa zúčastnila konferencie LEMUN v meste Leiden. Všetko sa odohrávalo v jednom z najstarších gymnázií v Holandsku. Reprezentovala som krajinu Irak v komisii pre ľudské práva. Najskôr som sa toho trochu obávala, ale nakoniec to dopadlo nad moje očakávania. Debatovali sme napríklad o témach ako práva pre LGBTQ skupiny, obchodovanie s ľuďmi a aj o ochrane investigatívnych novinárov. Boli sme výborná a početná skupina a po dlhých diskusiách sme schválili tri rezolúcie. Povedala by som, že práve tento MUN bol jeden z najlepších. Či už kvôli organizácii, atmosfére, mojej komisii alebo prostrediu. Mesto Leiden je krásne a všade sme chodili na bicykloch. V prvé doobedie som sa dokonca vybrala s mojou host rodinou na pláž do vedľajšieho mestečka. Boli naozaj milí a ukázali mi veľa holandských jedál a zvykov. Všetko ubehlo veľmi rýchlo a len s malou vôľou som sa balila na odchod. Napokon aj dlhá cesta naspäť ubehla bez problémov a vrátili sme spokojní s kopou nových skúseností.“
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