Ja a Minkyu Kang, Chairin Shin, Peťo Židek a Lenka Ďurkovská sme sa zúčastnili LEMUNU 2017 v Holandsku. Strávili sme tam zaujímavé štyri dni. Ako prvý sme však navštívili Amsterdam. Mali sme 3 hodiny rozchod, tak najrýchlejšie ako sme mohli sme pobehali všetky obchody a ulice. Podvečer sme prišli do Leidenu, kde si nás vyzdvihli naše, hosťovské rodiny. Od tej chvíle sa to celé začalo. Dorozumievanie sa len pomocou angličtiny, zvyknúť si na nový dom a hlavne časté jazdenie na bicykli. Každý deň sme strávili najmä v škole vo svojich výboroch a komisiách, no večer sme mávali program, či už s rodinou alebo kamarátmi. LEMUN je skvelá akcia na vyskúšanie si, ako sa debatuje v Organizácii spojených národov a na nájdenie nových, hlavne zahraničných, kamarátov. Toto sú dôvody, prečo sa tam teraz budeme každý rok vracať s úsmevom na tvári a túžbou po nových zážitkoch a priateľoch.
Autor: Šarlota Pozsonyiová II.A
Lemun 2017
Just last week, 5 students from our school participated at LEMUN conference. Lemun is a MUN which is organised by students of Leiden Gymnasium. This was the 16th conference of Lemun and approximately 450 students participated. It was our 15th participation at Lemun.
Although the journey to the Netherlands was very long and tiring, it was worth it. Amsterdam and Leiden were both lovely cities. The people there were so friendly and nice. We met many people from all around the world and made some new friends. The Lemun party was a great fun. But were we just partying? No. We were also actively lobbying and debating in all committees. We have learned how to communicate effectively with other people, how to talk formally, how to speak in front of the public and obviously gained much more confidence about talking in English and plus gained some leadership abilities.
Lemun has committees for the beginners as well as for experienced delegates. To this end, Lemun has regular UN committees and more challenging special committees. Everyone was in a different committee. These are brief descriptions of committees we have been in:
Chairin and Minkyu participated in the Crisis Committee representing the government of the United States of America. The Crisis Committee is meant to be one of the most challenging, demanding and stressful committees. It is a quite different from all the other committees because you do not write resolutions and you are not given a detailed topic before the conference. We had to use creative, research and negotiation skills to limit the effects of the crises which were actually made up during the conference depending on the situation. During the tiring weekend, we have received 62 (yes, I counted) news articles, tweets etc. Thanks to our president (thanks Trump!) we had a very very very very challenging weekend but we have sorted out some of the problems and signed a treaty.
In the GA4 committee, Peťo and Šarlota discussed problems such as Rohingya people´s persecution, Palestinian refugees, internet surveillance and exploitation of outer space. Our committee was really productive and we worked a lot. However, we enjoyed the conference, met new people and made a lot of friends.
In the Special Conference, Lenka discussed problems such as Balkan countries, developing countries, protection of cultural heritage of ethnic minorities, and the effect of rising nationalism on international peace. Our resolutions were made to help people and improve their life. Many times, it was fun and we were happy about being there.
Being at Lemun has been a great experience. Debating the world problems and defending the interests of allocated countries have made us realise how complicated the world is and it has helped us develop debating, communicative and quite frequently also diplomatic skills.
Tags: konferencia, Lemun