Dňa 20.03.2018 sme sa my, študenti SG, vybrali na KARMUN konferenciu do Budapešti. Nebola to moja prvá konferencia, už som zažila aj konferencie v Holandsku a v Žiline, no z Karmunu mám vždy len tie najlepšie zážitky! Okrem skvelých debát, kde to nie je len o tom, že si vyskúšate, ako to na reálnom zasadnutí vyzerá, ale aj spoznáte veľa nových ľudí z rôznych krajín a získate veľa nových poznatkov, sme mali veľa času spoznať aj Budapešť! Pozrieť si historické pamiatky, vyskúšať skvelé jedlo… aj o tom je Karmun! Domáci sú veľmi pohostinní a priateľskí, zoberú vás, kam len budete chcieť a dokážu sa vo veľa prípadoch aj pre vás obetovať, aby ste si z Karmunu odniesli len to najlepšie. Preto už ako skúsená MUN-erka každému, kto má príležitosť vyskúšať si to a baví ho debatovať a riešiť, to len vrelo odporúčam!“

Betka Rosinová, IV.A


Once again five students from Súkromné gymnázium attended KARMUN (Karinthy Model United Nations) in Budapest. The main theme was Fighting Inequality and the students, within their committees, debated and fought for the interests of their allocated countries. These included Germany in G13, Slovakia in WHO, Greece in Special Conference and Italy in Futuristic Security Committee. We arrived on Tuesday 20th of March and were welcomed at the station by the host families. The next day saw us at the Hungarian Parliament for the Opening Ceremony, where guest speakers gave speeches on the topics of (in)equality. The conference itself started on Thursday and lasted until Saturday early evening, when it was concluded by the Closing Ceremony in the school´s community area.

Here is what our students say about Karmun and their committees:

“I spent Karmun in the G13 Summit. I have never had such pleasant memories from an MUN conference, which is meant to be serious. I and Betka were the delegates of Germany in this committee. The G13 was not a usual committee, because there were two of us representing the same country, but two of us cooperating and helping each other have resulted in lots of great and useful ideas applicable in a real world as well. The people in our committee were so friendly and funny but serious when coming to the problems. We were solving problems that every state in this summit was involved in. We were having a discussion, or even a debate about Global Food and Water Crisis, Eradicating the Gender Pay Gap and Trade Inequality.”

Cherin Shin, IV.A

„Prvý deň komisie Special Conference sme si rozdelili, aké problémy budeme riešiť v aký deň. Na prvý deň sme sa rozhodli, že sa bude  preberať:“ Measures to Reduce Violence Towards Rohingya People„,  na druhý deň : „Integration of Roma People“ a na tretí:“ The Question of National Autonomy„.  Na začiatku sa predniesla reč každej krajiny, ktorá sa prihlásila do debaty. Tam predniesol delegát z tej vybranej krajiny reč, v ktorej  uviedol priblíženie problému a jeho riešenia  a na konci reči si delegát vybral ,či chce odpovedať na otázky alebo nie. Ďalej sa prešlo na resolutions (rezolúcie), kde boli body na vyriešenie problémov ohľadom toho hlavného problému. Na zvažovanie rezolúcie  bolo potreba sedem podpisov od siedmych rôznych krajín. Ďalej sa rozhodovalo o určitých bodoch v danej rezolúcii: či je zbytočný, či už je tam uvedený viac krát, doplňovanie bodov, atď.  Na konci zasadania sa rozhodovalo, či sa vôbec rezolúcia schváli alebo nie. A takto prebehal celý KARMUN. Potom tam boli špeciálne udalosti ako obed, tresty (za nízku aktivitu, za chodenie neskoro alebo za časté porušovanie pokynov), party a treasure hunt.

Dušan Plžik, III.A

“I was a member of Futuristic Security Committee. Main objective of this committee is to deal with problems that could endanger the world in the future. This year three main issues were: Threat of North Korea, Egyptian cyber terrorism and Dangers of new weather-changing device. Each of these issues was analyzed, discussed and finally, solution was decided. Some issues were more problematic than the others but eventually, with united powers we were always able to find the solution or at least some compromise. However, it certainly needs to be noted that some representatives came up with ideas that could have destroyed the European civilization but,

thankfully, these were stopped with clear majority being against them. Because of the ice-breaking activity we soon learned to know each other and with that our mutual cooperation was even better.

We also had a great fun and really enjoyed our stay in Hungary. Our host families were really helpful and hospitable and I think that when we look backwards to the events that happened during our stay in Budapest we could say that we really did enjoyed it and also gathered numerous valuable experiences that could further aid us in the future career or just develop our communication skills.”

Martin Bukovčan, III.A


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