Basic information of the school
School type: Private secondary bilingual school
Branch of study: 7902J74 –
Identification number of the school: 651030
Entity identification number: 37804324
Form of the study: daily
Period of the study: 5 years
Educational languages: Slovak and English
Compulsory selected languages: Spanish, German, French
Talent examination:
- Test form (Slovak language and literature, Mathematics/Physics, English language, other subjects, general knowledge test)
Final examination (School leaving examination):
- Graduation in the fourth grade: Slovak language and literature
- Graduation in the fifth grade: English language and three to five professional subjects according to study plans of students
Accommodation and board:
- at boarding houses and canteens of closely located schools
School profile
The idea of founding of the secondary bilingual private school originates from September 2000, when the demand of bilingual secondary education was significantly increasing and proving as one of the most effective ways of entering European organizations.The school was established in February 2001 with the first educational term of 2001/2002. The educational process is bilingual. The students study in English from the very beginning of the first grade. Slovak language and literature, other foreign languages, Ethics, Aesthetics, and Civics are exceptions. Along with the tutorial lessons, from the second grade there are lectures in certain subjects (natural science and humanities).
The educational process comprises elements of the progressive education based on special assessment criteria, content of study, motivation of students and good relationships between teachers and students. We put a great emphasis on individual responsibility of students in terms of study and organization. The aim is to participate in educating young people in a way that, as graduates, they will be able to express themselves and their opinions in a sophisticated way. Furthermore, we emphasise the open-